Write Your Heart Out: Writing Practice

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“Writing Practice” is based on Natalie Goldberg’s wonderful 1986 book Writing Down the Bones. Natalie has inspired generations of writers to get their juices flowing. Here are the rules: Take a set amount of time. We use 12 minutes. When you hear the prompt, write the first thing that comes to your mind and keep writing till the bell rings using these guidelines: 

· Keep your hand moving. 

· Don’t cross out. 

· Lose control. 

· Don’t think. Don’t get logical.  

Writing practice is like an artist sketching in their sketchbook, except it is a writer sketching with words rather than an artist with a pencil. It is not about a finished work. That can come later but not during sketching. It is about learning your craft, about cutting through to first thoughts and discovering who you really are.  Please bring a blank notebook and a comfortable pen. Hosted by Irene Grumman.


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