Gioachino Rossini: The Man, the Music, the Food! (pt. 4) | Opera Insights

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Program Description

Event Details

“I know of no more admirable occupation than eating, that is really eating!” Rossini was a man who truly loved food and as his success and pocketbook grew, he saw to it that he was surrounded by the finest culinary inventions of the day. He made it a point to befriend one of the earliest ‘celebrity’ chefs, Marie-Antoine Carême, creator of Tournedos Rossini in honor of the composer. In this Opera Insights lecture, Dr. Nic will introduce us to a few of the numerous recipes created in honor of the composer, beginning with the Rossini cocktail which will kick off our time together.




Are you all ready for your Rossini fix? As we look forward to San Diego Opera’s production of The Barber of Seville, we’re taking a deep dive into the great composer’s life with Dr. Nic! SD Opera presents a four-part virtual lecture series leading up to their production of The Barber of Seville and invites San Diego Public Library patrons to attend these lectures in celebration of the library's 65th anniversary of the Opera Insights Series.

Please visit the San Diego Opera's website for more information about their upcoming production of The Barber of Seville(link is external).

Text and image courtesy of SD Opera


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