Author(s) of the Month: Poets Ted Washington and Alexis V. Jackson

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Please join us for a special evening featuring poet and publisher Ted Washington's latest book, Bone Lyre, and poet and teacher Alexis V. Jackson's latest book, My Sisters' Country.

Of Bone Lyre, the writer Georgianna Simmons writes: “Love poems like ‘Lauren’ put tears in my eyes with captivating words and rhythm. Haikus featuring nature and politics both eased and upset me with their truths. Bone Lyre is an emotional read.”

My Sisters’ Country artfully braids together a multi-vocal chorus of Black women’s voices across time. Jackson bends and breaks forms like the sonnet, pantoum, and zuihitsu. She invites readers to consider the ways Black women, who were once considered countryless property, made country out of and in one another.

Light refreshments served. Please scroll down to register.

About the poets:

Ted Washington is an artist, author, and reluctant businessman. He's the founder of Puna Press and the performance group Pruitt Igoe in addition to being the host of Palabra, an open mic poetry reading held monthly at Bread & Salt in Barrio Logan.

Alexis V. Jackson is a writer and teacher whose work has appeared in Poetry Magazine, the Boston Review, and Beloit Poetry Journal, among others. My Sisters’ Country was selected as second-place winner of Kore Press Institute’s 2019 Poetry Prize. Jackson lectures in the University of San Diego’s English Department, and has taught at Messiah University

Visit HERE for more information on Bone Lyre, Ted Washington, and Puna Press, and HERE for more information on My Sisters' Country and Alexis V. Jackson.

Author of the Month is a project of the Friends of San Diego Central Library and is held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. HELP the Friends to support the Library and become a member.



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