Author of the Month: Katherine Porter: Lessons in Disguise

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How a Tattered Old Book Changed My Life

Join us for an afternoon of literature and conversation with San Diego local author, Katherine Porter. Already an accomplished poet, Kate will be reading from her new book, Lessons in Disguise, a historical novel that follows the journey of a book from 1820 to 1975.

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Kate’s work has been published in Yankee Magazine, a paper in Rhode Island, The Villager, and five anthologies. She is thrilled to meet with readers at events, in classrooms, and in book clubs. Kate is a developmental editor and a 26-year survivor of MS and chronic Lyme Disease. She lives in La Mesa with her husband David and their dog, Basil.

Lessons in Disguise (Konstellation Press), follows the journey of a handcrafted book from its bookbinder in Virginia, 1820, to its final destination with a homeless Vietnam veteran in California, 1975. Through the voices of eight main characters, the destructive influences of prejudice and judgement are shown, along with the power of literacy in bringing understanding and acceptance.

Copies of the book will be available for purchase and signing by the author after the event. Free two-hour parking with validation.

Author of the Month meets the first Saturday of every month. For more information about the Friends of the Central Library please visit their website.


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