Local Solutions to Climate Emergencies - A Citizen Science Lecture

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Community Engagement
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The climatic conditions around the world are reaching many tipping points and negative feed-loop back cycles.  Mr. White will discuss his team’s binational environmental restoration projects that focus on local and regional scale seawater infrastructure networks to be used as global templates of cooling arid regions, mitigation of sea-level rise and creation of the lowest cost natural desalinization projects available.

Presented by Nathan G. White,CEO & Co-Founder, Agess, Inc.  Masters of Architecture in Real Estate Development (MRED)

With over fifteen years of education and practice, Mr. White is an architectural designer, a real estate developer, and a project manager as a leader of full turn key development services for projects of all scales in San Diego, Orange County, Imperial County, and Los Angeles. As the CEO of AGESS, Inc., he has been instrumental of spear heading the Desert Shores Restoration Project and the Sea Water Import effort to Restore Laguna Salada and the Salton Sea. Mr. White was an adjunct faculty member of Finance and Management graduate level lecture course at New School of Architecture and Design and is also a Development Project Manager with the City of San Diego Development Services Department. He's most excited to take the professional project management platform to a global scale to address the urgency of the climate emergency.

Company background/charter:

Mission Statement: Change the world, in a regenerative manner, one project at a time.

Vision Statement: To provide turn-key solutions for local, regional, and global communities by building economically sustainable, community driven reconstruction and environment restoration of all types for the benefit of those most in need. 



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