Middle School Book Club: Loveless

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Program Type:

Art, Literature

Age Group:

Middle School Age
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Program Description

Event Details

Middle school readers (Grades 6th-8th) are invited to participate in a book club  where we read a book, reflect & discuss and c r e a t e  ART.

This month we will be discussing Loveless by Alice Oseman

Georgia has parents who are still in love, two sets of grandparents that are still together, and a brother who married his girlfriend, but at eighteen she has never even kissed someone (not even her lesbian best friend, Felipa) or particularly even wanted to; at the prom afterparty she is surrounded by couples making out, and she really does not know what is wrong-- but in college she comes to understand herself as asexual/aromantic, and to capture the part of her identity that has always eluded her.


Books will be available for checkout beginning at the previous month's meeting.

Information and program content can be made available in alternative formats upon request. To request disability-related modifications or accommodations, please email JFRogers@sandiego.gov


Need disability-related modifications or accommodations? Information and program content can be made available in alternative formats upon request by emailing RACooper@sandiego.gov.