Middle School Book Club: Schooled

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Program Type:

Art, Literature

Age Group:

Middle School Age
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.

Program Description

Event Details

Middle school readers (Grades 6th-8th) are invited to participate in a book club  where we read a book, reflect & discuss and c r e a t e  ART.

Books will be available for checkout beginning at the previous month's meeting.

This month's book is Schooled by Gordan Korman

Description: Homeschooled by his hippie grandmother, Capricorn (Cap) Anderson has never watched television, tasted a pizza, or even heard of a wedgie. But when his grandmother lands in the hospital, Cap is forced to move in with a school counselor and attend the local middle school. While Cap knows a lot about tie-dyeing and Zen Buddhism, no education could prepare him for the politics of public school.


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