Knitting & Crochet Circle
This is a social group where you can practice your fiber craft in good company, showing off your latest projects, getting support, and make friends. All levels are welcome.
This is a social group where you can practice your fiber craft in good company, showing off your latest projects, getting support, and make friends. All levels are welcome.
Expend Shopping
Presented by Write Out Loud San Diego, "StoryBox" is the American name given to the Japanese storytelling tradition called kamishibai.
We invite you to join our Baby Dance Party, singing and dancing along with Ms. Andrea from Dance to Evolve!
We will have songs, movement and tons of fun for your babies to dance, play, and interact!
A 45-minute Storytime for young children including books and music with the addition of American Sign Language signs with Jennifer Duncan from Signs at Play.
Improve your English language skills in a relaxed and friendly environment. Whether you're a beginner or looking to polish your conversational English, this group is perfect for practicing with fellow language enthusiasts.
For those contemplating constructing a family tree, as well as for experienced genealogy researchers.
Volunteers are there to help guide you in your research.
No appointment necessary. First come, first served.
This is not a library-sponsored event.
Would you like to learn to knit, crochet, do needlework or just spend time with other creators?
Bring your current project to work on, or if new to the hobbies, we'll help you get going!
The San Diego Futures Foundation is hosting FREE in-person classes for people of all skill levels.
This month, come and learn: All About Apps / Todo sobre las aplicaciones
Give the gift that keeps on giving! Donate blood when the San Diego Blood Bank's Blood Mobile comes to visit. When you donate blood you are making a difference in someone's life.
These Storytimes, good for kids ages 4 to 6, are fun, kinetic, and humorous experiences! I make it a point not just to read books, but to perform them as well!
All young children and their caregivers are welcome to join us for stories, songs and rhymes. Held outdoors on the grass, bring a blanket or chair. No Registration required. We hope to see you there!
A class combining sitting and standing yoga exercises, working on muscle strength and balance. We'll be learning some elements of QiGong, self-massage, deep breathing, followed with meditation at the end.
Board Game Hangout (Tweens & Teens)
Perfect for homeschool groups.
The Friends of the Tierrasanta Branch Library is in full swing once again with their monthly used book sale! Come on in and see what we have and get great bargains. We will be here 3 days at 4985 La Cuenta Drive San Diego, CA 92124
Join Ms Jennifer from signs at Play! for weekly sign language learning and fun!
Establish non-verbal communication skills with your little one by learning basic signs and to expand your signing vocabulary in this engaging storytime.
This class provides students with an understanding of the Breath-Mind-Body dynamic and its relationship to health and wellness during the aging process. Students learn breathing techniques for self-care, mental resilience, and physical relax
Instructors are from Silver Age Yoga. Designed so that seniors can safely participate at their level of comfort. Every class utilizes chairs.
Come play American Mah Jongg - a game of skill, strategy, and luck!
Experienced and novice players welcome. An instructor will be on hand to teach you.
Volunteers from AARP's Tax-Aide program will help you prepare and file your income taxes. Appointments must be made in person. You can only make an appointment for yourself and, at most, one other family member.
Join us for a special structured adult storytime with sensory materials and an art activity in partnership with Casa de Mosaic. Each Friday will have a specific theme.
Join us for a fun of artistic exploration and creativity!
Offering a variety of hands-on activities that will inspire their imagination and creativity.
Recommended ages 5 and up.
Come to the library for a hands-on art workshop which is part of a monthly art series. A new medium and new techniques will be used every month.
Get together with your friends after school and have fun with a big box of different STEAM projects and games.
If you don't know how to play chess, you can learn at Chess Club!
All levels of Chess experience are welcome - beginners to advanced. Learn to play better!
All ages, children and adults are welcome.
Hangout at the Paradise Hills Branch Library every Friday for "Movie Hangout." Watch family friendly movies where you can lounge on cushioned mats.
Come listen to the latest releases, talk about the latest news, and more!
Southern California Ballet is partnering with the Rancho Bernardo Branch Library for “Dancing Through the Pages,” a program that allows children to explore movement and dance through storytelling!
Practice speaking English with our volunteer English tutor!
Science Club is for 3rd through 6th graders who are interested in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, & Mathematics). Each week kids engage in a new and fun hands-on/minds-on activity exploring a wide range of subjects.
Enjoy readings from the latest volume of poetry written by Monarch School students.
Registration NOT required but recommended.
I'M NOT ALONE - a film by Victor De La Fuente
Please join us as we celebrate the 2024 San Diego Local Authors at the 59th Annual Local Author Showcase Reception.