Author of the Month: Dr. Sandra E. Bonura and Empire Builder

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Join us for a colorful slide show of the pioneering legacy of John Spreckels with historian and native San Diegan, Dr. Sandra Bonura.  In her newly released biography, Bonura discusses the decisive and sweeping moves that led Spreckels to control the majority of all industry in San Diego - at the top of the 20th century, one in fifteen San Diegans worked for him! To the charge that San Diego’s troubles were derived from the city being a “one-man town,” he responded, “If being a one-man town is bad for the town, take it from me, it’s hell for the ‘one man'!” Even today, you can find the Spreckels name on buildings and landmarks throughout the County of San Diego and beyond.

**Pre-order a signed copy of the book here: 

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Author of the Month is a project of the Friends of Central Library and is held on the 2nd Saturday of the month. Help the Friends to support the Library and become a member.



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