Picture This: Like Water for Chocolate

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Program Description

Event Details

During September we'll show films to celebrate both Latinx Heritage Month and Banned Books Week (September 18-24).  We'll begin by screening Like Water for Chocolate, on Tuesday 9/13.  

Like Water for Chocolate: Tradition holds back the youngest of three Mexican daughters from marrying the man that she loves. In an attempt to stay closer together, her beloved marries the young woman's sister and it is then that a magical and unique secret is discovered through her cooking.  Adapted from Laura Esquivel's 1989 novel Como Agua Para Chocolate, the film is in Spanish with English subtitles​​. Starring: Lumi Cavazos, Marco Leonardi, Mario Ivan Martinez, Regina Torne, Ada Carrasco. (1992, R, 114 min)


Tuesday, September 13: Like Water for Chocolate (1992, R, 114 min)
Tuesday, September 20: Of Mice and Men (1992, PG-13, 111 min) Banned Books Week
Friday, September 23: The Hate U Give (2019, PG-13, 129 min) Banned Books Week
Tuesday, September 27: Desperado (1995, R, 104 min)


Information and program content can be made available in alternative formats upon request. To request disability-related modifications or accommodations, please email JFRogers@sandiego.gov


Need disability-related modifications or accommodations? Information and program content can be made available in alternative formats upon request by emailing RACooper@sandiego.gov.