Author of the Month with Robin "R.D." Kardon and Angel Flight

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Looking for the perfect summer read? Inspired by this multi-award winning author's professional flying career, Angel Flight is “one-part adventure, one-part romance and two-parts nail biter.” Kardon’s authentic, relatable characters and heart-pumping action will keep you turning pages while pilot Tris Miles and her crew fight for their lives on the “angel flight.” Zoom in for a reading/presentation with a Q & A to follow. Register below, and don’t forget to sign up for the Summer Reading Program!  

About the Author: Robin "R.D." Kardon is a native New Yorker. She attended New York University where she earned a B.A. in Journalism and Sociology, magna cum laude, and was a member of Phi Beta Kappa. After college, she attended The American University, Washington College of Law in Washington, D.C. There, she was a Moot Court champion and earned her J.D. Thus began her ten-year career as a commercial litigator.

**To purchase a signed copy contact the author at**

Disillusioned with practicing law, Robin sought out another career and started training to become a pilot in 1991. Her primary flight instructor was a woman. Working full-time and flying only on weekends, Robin earned her Certified Flight Instructor ratings in eighteen months, quit practicing law and started instructing. Eventually, she flew as both a corporate and airline Captain. She’s flown everything from single-engine Cessnas to the Boeing 737 all over the US and the world. In addition to being a fixed-wing ATP, Robin is also a Commercial/Instrument rated helicopter pilot.

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Author of the Month is a project of the Friends of Central Library and is held on the 2nd Saturday of the month. Help the Friends to support the Library and become a member.



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